Athletic Training
Athletic Trainer Named 2015 Outstanding Alumnus
Congratulations to the 2015 Department of Health Professions Outstanding Alumni Award recipient, Mr. Jud Fann! A graduate of the Athletic Training Program, Jud Fann was...
Physical Therapy
DPT Acquires Anatomage Table
The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program recently acquired an Anatomage Table for their Anatomy Lab. In addition to learning with cadavers, students now have access...
Communication Sciences and Disorders
People Who Stutter to Share Their Stores Oct. 21
About one percent of the population stutters. Given the size of our student body, and numbers of faculty and staff, many people who stutter “live” on campus....
Health Sciences
Military Program Awards Health Sciences Student $3,000 Scholarship
Ryan Garwood, a junior health sciences pre-clinical major, has received a $3,000 scholarship from the Cape Canaveral Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America, reports the...
Physical Therapy
Babies! Start your engines! Winter Haven child gets the gift of mobility
A Winter Haven child received the gift of mobility earlier this summer when UCF physical therapy faculty members teamed up with community partners and GoBabyGo...
Physical Therapy
HuffPost What’s Working Honor Roll: An Ingenious Invention Is Getting Disabled People Back On Their Feet
Cole Galloway, a professor at the University of Delaware, has developed a harness that helps physically impaired patients move around a room on tracks affixed...
Physical Therapy
The Ingenious Way That Those with Traumatic Brain Injuries Are Getting Back on Their Feet
The news seemed like a death sentence: In 1998, Anne Dunlap, a pretty young woman in Delaware, suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car crash, severely...
Physical Therapy
GoBabyGo: A Mobility Initiative
The UCF College of Health and Public Affairs brings a new idea to help children with mobility impairments socialize and interact.
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Embracing Freedom: UCF Clinic Helps Woman Achieve American Dream
This Fourth of July, Fernanda Mello has much to celebrate: becoming a U.S. citizen as a result of working hard to master English following her...
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Department Has Strong Showing at 2015 FLASHA Convention
The 2015 Annual Convention of the Florida Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists took place May 28-31 in Fort Lauderdale. The Department of Communication Sciences...