Communication Sciences and Disorders

Students Win Awards at Service-Learning Showcase

Written By: David Janosik | April 15, 2016

Congratulations to nine communication sciences and disorders students for receiving honors for their poster presentations at the 13th Annual Service-Learning Student Showcase, held April 14 in the Student Union.

The annual showcase, coordinated by UCF’s Office of Experiential Learning, provides students with an opportunity to reflect on their service-learning accomplishments, share their work and earn scholarship awards.

The CSD students developed their posters as part of the course “Cognitive-Communicative Disorders” taught by Associate Professor Anthony Kong.

Listed below are the award names, the student award recipients and the poster titles.

Recognition of Excellence in the College of Health and Public Affairs
Maureen Gavin, Bailey Hester, Brayleah Kernan, Lauren Monahan and Hannah Pane
Project title: “Veterans Affairs Community Living Center”
The award carries a $500 scholarship for the students.

Pedagogical Value Award
Megan Abernathy, Alicia Berkowski, Gina Raniere and Amanda Shoff
Project title: “Arden Courts Cognitive-Communicative Program”
The award carries a $200 scholarship for the students.

Hannah Pane and Maureen Gavin showing their Recognition of Excellence in the College of Health and Public Affairs.

Hannah Pane (left) and Maureen Gavin

Amanda Shoff holding the Pedagogical Value Award.

Amanda Shoff

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