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Communication Sciences and Disorders
Laryngectomy Support Group Helps Educate Students
A laryngectomy support group named the New Voice Club of Orlando provides patients who have undergone laryngectomies with a chance to connect and share their experiences as cancer survivors. Club members meet once […]
Athletic Training
Photo Essay: Athletic Training Students Practice Spine Boarding
Each spring, seniors in the Athletic Training Program hone their emergency skills during a semester-long course named Acute Care in Athletic Training. “They get a one-credit refresher course on emergency skills […]
Health Sciences
Nearly 20 Students Present Research Posters This Week
Nearly 20 students from the Department of Health Professions presented research posters during UCF’s 2015 Research Week, held March 30 to April 2 on the Orlando campus. Twelve students from the Physical Therapy Program presented posters at the […]
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Fourteen Students Present Research Posters This Week
Fourteen students from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders presented research posters during UCF’s 2015 Research Week, held March 30 to April 2 on the Orlando campus. Five students in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Track […]
Physical Therapy
Gov. Scott Appoints Pabian to State’s Physical Therapy Board
Gov. Rick Scott has appointed UCF faculty member Patrick Pabian to the Florida Board of Physical Therapy for a three-year term. Pabian (right) is director of the Doctor of Physical Therapy […]