Students at the College of Health Professions and Sciences benefit from faculty who conduct research into a broad number of health and wellness topics, discovering new insights and creating innovation that impacts our communities and generations to come.
UCF has a Carnegie Foundation designation for very high research activity. Below is a collection of CHPS faculty peer-reviewed publications from July through December 2024.
Bolded names denote CHPS faculty.
** Denotes graduate students.
* Denotes undergraduate students.
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Gomes, A. T., Moore, A., Cross, M., Hardesty, C., David, K., Sampedro, M. G., Dube, S., Weil-Chalker, S., Montepagano, A. G., Christel, U., Martin, R., Wheeler, A., Tan, W. H., Bird, L. M., & Bichell, T. J. (2024). Community-Sourced Reporting of Mortalities in Angelman Syndrome (1979-2022). American journal of medical genetics. Part A, e63961. Advance online publication.
Folkerts, M. L., Picou, E. M., & Stecker, G. C. (2024). Spectral weighting functions for localization of complex sound. III. The effect of sensorineural hearing loss. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 156(4), 2434–2447.
Pedonti, S., Bratsch-Hines, M., McIntyre, N., & Aiken, H. I. (2024). Impacts of a Teacher-Delivered Reading Intervention on Word-Level Fluency for Early Elementary Students at Risk for Reading Difficulties. Reading and Writing Quarterly.
Bullen, J., Zajic, M., Birkeneder, S., McIntyre, N., Sparapani, N., & Mundy, P. (2024). Longitudinal stability and Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale-2 predictors of the Childhood Joint Attention Rating Scale. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice.
McIntyre, N., Rentschler, L., Tomaszewski, B., & Kramer, B. (2024). Postsecondary Educational Experiences of Autistic Young Adults: A Longitudinal Follow-Up to a School-Based Study. Special Issue on Autism, Young Adulthood, and Life Post High School in Remedial and Special Education, 1-14.
Kraemer, B., Rentschler, L., Tomaszewski, B., McIntyre, N., Dawalt, L., & Hume, K. (2024). Life After High School: The Employment Experiences of Autistic Young Adults. Special Issue on Autism, Young Adulthood, and Life Post High School in Remedial and Special Education, 1-12.
Howell, R. J., Mira, A. S., Llico, A. F., & McKenna, V. S. (Epub 2024). Using High-Speed Videoendoscopy to Analyze Laryngeal Closure Parameters During Normal Swallow. The Laryngoscope, in press.
Fletcher, B. N., Humpert, L. J., Friedman, A. D., Vhaduri, S., & McKenna, V. S. (Epub 2024). The Relationship Between Self-Reported Nocturnal Cough Symptoms and Acoustic Cough Monitoring ganglion neurons. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 15296.
Li, S., Yu, X., Ma, X., Wang, Y., Guo, J., Wang, J., Shen, W., Dong, H., Salvi, R., Wang, H., & Yin, S. (2024). Optimizing a Classification Model to Evaluate Individual Susceptibility in Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 10, e60373.
Xing, C., Feng, J., Yao, J., Xu, X. M., Wu, Y., Yin, X., Salvi, R., Chen, Y. C., & Fang, X. (2024). Neurovascular coupling dysfunction associated with cognitive impairment in presbycusis. Brain Communications, 6(4), fcae215.
Roth, R. W., Schwen Blackett, D., Gleichgerrcht, E., Wilmskoetter, J., Rorden, C., Newman-Norlund, R., Sen, S., Fridriksson, J., Busby, N., & Bonilha, L. (2024). Long-range white matter fibers and post-stroke verbal and non-verbal cognition. Brain Communications, 6(4), fcae262.
Riccardi, N., Schwen Blackett, D., Broadhead, A., Rorden, C., Fridriksson, J., Bonilha, L., & Desai, R. (2024). A Rose by Any Other Name: Mapping Taxonomic and Thematic Naming Errors Poststroke. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 36(10), 2251-2267.
Vanryckeghem, M. & Van Eerdenbrugh, S. (2024). What Do Adults Who Stutter Think About the Nature of Stuttering Treatment? Special Interest Group 4.
Dudding, C.C., Zraick, R. I., & Dudding, S. (2024). The Use of Simulation in Communication Sciences and Disorders: A Follow-Up Survey. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Slavych, B.K., Atcherson, S.R., & Zraick, R.I. (2024). Using ChatGPT to Improve Health Communication and Plain Language Writing for Students in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.
Department of Health Sciences
Beets, M.W., Burkart, S., Pfledderer, C., Adams, E., Weaver, R. G., Armstrong, B., Brazendale, K., et al. Differences in elementary-age children’s accelerometer – measured physical activity between school and summer: three-year findings from the What’s UP (Undermining Prevention) with summer observational cohort study, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Aug 6;21(1):86.PMID: 39107808; PMCID: PMC11304806.
*Calvo, A. E., **Tristán Urrutia, A., Vargas-Zambrano, J. C., & López Castillo, H. Pertussis vaccine effectiveness following country-wide implementation of a hexavalent acellular pertussis immunization schedule in infants and children in Panama. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics (2023 IF 4.1; SJR Q1). 2024;20(1):2389577.
Hunt, E. T., Brazendale, K., Kelder, S. H. et al. Sleep, Screen Behaviors, and Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Cross-Sectional Study of U.S. Children and Adolescents, Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. Published online 13 August 2024.
**Lagod, P. P., Abdelli, L. S., & Naser, S. A. An In Vivo Model of Propionic Acid-Rich Diet-Induced Gliosis and Neuro-Inflammation in Mice (FVB/N-Tg(GFAPGFP)14Mes/J): A Potential Link to Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024 Jul 25;25(15):8093. PMID: 39125662; PMCID: PMC11311704.
Lee, Y-H, Chang, Y-C, Shelley, M., & López Castillo, H.* Sexual minority identities and perception of illicit drug use risks in the US: Results from a National Survey. Journal of Psychiatric Research (2023 IF 4.8; SJR Q1). 2024;175:183-191.
McMahon, A. N., Lee, E., Takita, C., Reis, I. M., Wright, J. L., & Hu., J. J. (2024) Metabolomics in Radiotherapy-induced Early Adverse Skin Reactions of Breast Cancer Patients. Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy (Dove Medical, Press), 16, 369-377
Pfledderer, C. D., Brown, M. Y., Lanza, K., Hunt, E. T., Porter, C. D., Parker, H., Stoepker, P., & Brazendale, K. (2024). Out-of-school Activities and Adherence to 24-hour Movement Guidelines. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2024 Aug 28:S0749-3797(24)00294-0. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39214483.
Lee, Y. H.§, Chiang, T., Xu, C., Shelley, M., Kalidindi, A.*, & Chang, Y. C.§ (2024). Behavioral change in fruit and vegetable consumption and associated cognitive impairment among Chinese older adults. European Geriatric Medicine, Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39276303.
Xu, C., Shelley, M., & Lee, Y. (2024). Is social health insurance associated with smoking and alcohol consumption among Chinese older adults? World Medical & Health Policy.
López Castillo, H., Vega, N.**, Jenkins Sánchez, L.**, Hess-Holtz, M., León Soto, M.**, Tran, B.*, De La Torre, D., Eskildsen, G., & Calvo, A. E.; The PEMAR Group. Intimate Partner Violence Among Three Key Populations at Risk of HIV in Panama. Annals of LGBT Population and Public Health.
Khan, M. R., Acri, M., Ban, K. F., Scheidell, J. D., Stevens, E. R., Manandhar-Sasaki, P., Charles, D., Chichetto, N. E., Crystal, S., Gordon, A. J., Marshall, B. D. L., Edelman, E. J., Justice, A. C., Braithwaite, S. R., & Caniglia, E. C. (2024) Associations Between Reductions in Depressive Symptoms and Reductions in Pain and Anxiety Symptoms and Substance Use: Emulation of a Randomized Trial. AJPM Focus, 3(5), 100258.
Al Banna, H., Sahrin, S., Hamiduzzaman, M., Gbordozoe, N., Disu, T., Akter, S., Mouly, H., Hasan, M., & Brazendale, K. Night Eating Syndrome Among University Students in Bangladesh: Investigation of Prevalence and Associated Factors, Brain and Behavior, IF=2.2, [Q2]
Beets, M. W., Burkart, S., Pfledderer, C., Adams, E., Weaver, R. G., Armstrong, B., Brazendale, K., et al. Free Summer Programming and Body Mass Index Among Schoolchildren from Low-Income Households: A Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Pediatrics, IF=24.7, [Q1]
Hunt, E. T., Brazendale, K., Pfledderer, C., et al. Physical Activity and Sedentary Time Among U.S. Adolescents Before and During COVID-19: Findings from a Large Cohort Study. AJPM Focus.
Fleming, J. M., Rosa, G., Bland, V., Kauwell, G. P. A., Malysheva, O. V., Wettstein, A., Hausman, D. B., Bailey, L. B., & Park, H. J. Response of One-Carbon Biomarkers in Maternal and Cord Blood to Folic Acid Dose During Pregnancy. Nutrients. 2024; 16(21):3703.
**Greenman, N., Abdelli, L. S., Hassouneh, S. A. D., Ali, S., Johnston, C., Naser, S. A., & Azarian, T. (2024). Impact of propionic acid-rich diets on microbial composition of the murine gut microbiome. Frontiers in Microbiomes, 3, 1451735.
Jiang, Q., Fitzpatrick, L., Laroche, H. H., Hampl, S., Steinbach, S., Forseth, B., Davis, A.M., Steel, C., & Carlson, J. A. (2024). Associations of Neighborhood Food Retail Environments with Weight Status in a Regional Pediatric Health System. Childhood Obesity.
de Azevedo Daruge, M.*, Zhu J., Park J., Hines R. B., & Lee, E.^ (2025) Comparison of Health-Related Quality of Life Trajectories in Older Breast Cancer Patients and Noncancerous Controls Over Ten Years. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. [Impact Factor: 3.1] Journal Ranking 38/668 [Q1] in Oncology Nursing. (Accepted)
Rosenthal, J., Alverson, C. J., Largaespada-Beer, N., Kauwell, G.P., Bailey, L.B., Sabido, J. J. Diaz, M., Williams, J. L., Bernard, K. (2024). National and regional population attributable fractions for anemia risk factors (iron, folate, and vitamin B12) in Belize: potential impact of fortification. Pan American Journal of Public Health.
Rovito, M. J., Martinez, S.*, Thomas, K.*, Chauhan, K.*, & Gibson, S.**. (in press). Women, Men, and Cancer Survivorship: A Commentary on Current Data and Possible Underlying Issues. American Journal of Men’s Health.
School of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences
Drevyn, E., Schack-Dugre, J., Galley, R., Neely, L., Roadarmel, D., Svoboda, S., Dietrich, J., Wang, S., & Welch-Rawls, D. (2025). How crisis management led to enduring collaboration in clinical education: a case report. The Journal of Clinical Education in Physical Therapy, 6.
Yalim, A. C., Daly, K., Bailey, M., Kay, D., Zhu, X., Patel, M., Neely, L. C., Díaz, D. A., Asencio, D. M. C., Rosario, K., Cowan, M., & Pasarica, M. (2025). Wellness and Stress Management Practices Among Healthcare Professionals and Health Professional Students. American Journal of Health Promotion: AJHP, 39(2), 204–214.
Pasarica, M., Kay, D., Bailey, M., Daly, K., Yalim, A., Neely, L., Diaz, D., Canario Asencio, D., & DeLeon, A. Health Promotion Curriculum for Healthcare Trainees: An Innovative Interprofessional Evidence-Based Approach. Medical Science Educator. 2024; 1-5.
**Olmos, A. A., **Montgomery, T. R., **Sears, K. N., Dinyer-McNeely, T. K., Hammer, S. M., Bergstrom, H. C., Hill, E. C., **Succi, P.J., **Lawson, J., & Trevino, M. A. (2024). Blood flow restriction increases necessary muscle excitation of the elbow flexors during a single high-load contraction. Journal of Sports Science.
**Perlet, M. R., **Traylor, M. K., **Ransom, K. V., Batman, G. B., Hill, E. C., Weir, J. P., & Keller, J. L. (2024). Contributions to forearm desaturation during transient ischemia in healthy adult males and females across the lifespan. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.
**Batman, G. B., Cooper, C. B., **Traylor, M. K., Ransom, K. V., Hill, E. C., Hill, B. D., & Keller, J. L. Various modalities of resistance exercise promote similar acute cognitive improvements and hemodynamic increases in young, healthy adults. (2024). Cerebral Circulation – Cognition and Behavior.
**Lubiak, S. M., **Lawson, J. E., **Proppe, C. E., **Rivera, P. M., **Gonzalez Rojas, D. H., Hammer, S. M., Trevino, M. A., Bergstrom, H. C., **Succi, P. J., Montgomery, T. R., **Olmos, A. A., **Burleson, K., Keller, J. L., & Hill, E. C, Dinyer-McNeely, T. K., Sears, K., N.. (2024). A Moderate Blood Flow Restriction Pressure Does Not Affect Maximal Strength or Neuromuscular Responses. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Hill, E. C., **Schmidt, J, T., Reedy, K. R., **Lubiak, S. M., **Proppe, C. E., **Rivera, P. M., **Gonzalez, D. R., **Lawson, J. E., *Prajapati, A. J., *Shah, N. M., *Patel, N. N., **Guirgis, A. M., **Silverio, A., **Howard, M. A., Choi, H., Keller, J. L. (2024). Progression and perceptual responses to upper and lower body blood flow restriction resistance training among people living with multiple sclerosis. European Journal of Applied Physiology.
Starling-Smith, J., Park, J. H., Hill, E. C., Wells, A. J., Stout, J. R., & Fukuda, D. H. (2024). Reliability of an intermittent handgrip fatiguing protocol. Sport Sciences for Health.
**Proppe, C. E., **Kelly, R. T., **Rotenberger, N. P., **Salazar, S., **Rivera, P. M., **Lubiak, S. M., & Hill E. C. (2024). Indices of exercise induced muscle damage following low load resistance exercise with blood flow restriction in untrained males. Journal of Medicine & Science in Sport & Physical Fitness.
**Montgomery, T. R., Hammer, S. M., **Sears, K., **Olmos, A. A., ** Succi, P.J., Hill, E. C., Bergstrom, H. C., Trevino, M. A., Dinyer-McNeely, T. K. (2024). Influence of Blood Flow Restriction on Neuromuscular Function and Fatigue During Forearm Flexion in Men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Hammer, S. M., **Sear, K., **Montgomery, T. R., **Olmos, A. A., **Succi, P.J, Hill, E. C., Trevino, M. A., Dinyer-McNeely, T. K. (2024). Sex differences in muscle contraction-induced limb blood flow limitations. Published ahead of print. European Journal of Applied Physiology.
**Skibski, A., Vanguri, P., Stout, J. R., Ingersoll, C. D., & Mangum, L. C. (2025). A Dynamic Warm-Up Improves Titleist Performance Institute Screen Scores in Adult Golfers. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 1–7. Advance online publication.
**Knowles, K. S., Pagan, J. I., Beausejour, J. P., Mongold, S. J., Anderson, A. W., Stout, J. R., & Stock, M. S. (2025). Changes in Muscle Quality Following Short-Term Resistance Training in Older Adults: A Comparison of Echo Intensity and Texture Analysis. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, S0301-5629(24)00471-X. Advance online publication.
Jäger, R., Heileson, J. L., Abou Sawan, S., Dickerson, B. L., Leonard, M., Kreider, R. B., Kerksick, C. M., Cornish, S. M., Candow, D. G., Cordingley, D. M., Forbes, S. C., Tinsley, G. M., Bongiovanni, T., Cannataro, R., Campbell, B. I., Arent, S. M., Stout, J. R., Kalman, D. S., & Antonio, J. (2025). International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Long-Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 22(1), 2441775.
**Antonio B. B., Stout J. R., Sterner D. A., Fukuda D. H., & Anderson A. W. Examining Changes in Pain Sensitivity Following 8 Minutes of Cycling at Varying Exercise Intensities. International Journal of Exercise Science. 2024 Dec 1;17(7):1337-1351.
Antonio J., Brown A. F., Candow D. G., Chilibeck P. D., Ellery S. J., Forbes S. C., Gualano B., Jagim A. R., Kerksick C., Kreider R. B., Ostojic S. M., Rawson E. S., Roberts M. D., Roschel H., Smith-Ryan A. E., Stout J. R., Tarnopolsky M. A., VanDusseldorp, T. A., Willoughby D. S., & Ziegenfuss T. N. Part II. Common questions and misconceptions about creatine supplementation: what does the scientific evidence really show? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2025 Dec;22(1):2441760.
Rathmacher J. A., Pitchford L. M., Stout J. R., Townsend J. R., Jäger R., Kreider R. B., Campbell B. I., Kerksick C. M., Harty P. S., Candow D. G., Roberts B. M., Arent S. M., Kalman D. S., & Antonio J. International society of sports nutrition position stand: β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB). Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2025 Dec;22(1).
Antonio, J., Evans, C., Ferrando, A. A., Stout, J. R., Antonio, B., Cintineo, H. P., Harty, P., Arent, S. M., Candow, D. G., Forbes, S. C., Kersick, C. M., Pereira, F., Gonzalez, D., & Kreider, R. B. (2024). Common questions and misconceptions about protein supplementation: what does the scientific evidence really show? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 21(1).
**Sterner, D. A., Stout, J. R., Antonio, B. B., Anderson, A. T., & Fukuda, D. H. (2025). A proposed test to determine physical working capacity at pain intensity threshold (PWCPIT). European Journal of Applied Physiology, 125(1), 197–207.
Bonilla, D. A., Stout, J. R., Candow, D. G., Jiménez-García, J. D., Gómez-Miranda, L. M., Ortiz-Ortiz, M., Forbes, S. C., Ostojic, S. M., Vargas-Molina, S., & Kreider R. B. The power of creatine plus resistance training for healthy aging: enhancing physical vitality and cognitive function. Frontiers in Physiology. 2024 Dec 3;15:1496544.
**Dufner, T. J., Iacono, A. D., Wheeler, J. R., Lanier, N. B., Gillespie, G., Proper, A. E., Moon, J. M., Fretti, S. K., Stout, J. R., Beato, M., & Wells, A. J.. The reliability of functional and systemic markers of muscle damage in response to a flywheel squat protocol. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2024 Nov 21.
**Vasenina, E., Sterner, D. A., Mangum, L. C., Stout, J. R., & Fukuda, D. H. Effects of Vegan and Omnivore Diet on Post-Downhill Running Economy and Muscle Function. Journal of the American Nutrition Association. 2024 Nov 1:1-10. doi:
Bonilla, D. A., Petro, J. L., Cannataro, R., Kreider, R. B., & Stout, J. R. Editorial: New insights and advances in body recomposition. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2024 Sep 3;11:1467406.
**Lafontant, K., Sterner, D. A., Fukuda, D. H., Stout, J. R., Park, J. H., & Thiamwong, L. (2024). Comparing Device-Generated and Calculated Bioimpedance Variables in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 24(17), 5626.
Leaf, A., Rothschild, J. A., Sharpe, T. M., Sims, S. T., Macias, C. J., Futch, G. G., Roberts, M. D., Stout, J. R., Ormsbee, M. J., Aragon, A. A., Campbell, B. I., Arent, S. M., D’Agostino, D. P., Barrack, M. T., Kerksick, C. M., Kreider, R. B., Kalman, D. S., & Antonio, J. (2024). International society of sports nutrition position stand: ketogenic diets. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 21(1), 2368167.
Kadhim, I. F., Banarjee, C., Fu, J., Choudhury, R., Colby Mangum, L., Fukuda, D. H., Stout, J. R., Cramer, J. T., & Park, J. H. (2024). Resistance Training Using VAriable Resistance Suit (VARS) Increased Isometric and Isokinetic Muscle Strength. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering: A Publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 32, 2835–2844.
**Furtado Mesa, M., Stout, J. R., Mangum, L. C., Beyer, K. S., Redd, M. J., & Fukuda, D. H. (2024). Changes in Hip Isometric Strength of Female College Soccer Players After High-Workload Training Session. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 33(6), 416–422.
Wilson, A. T., **Lyons, K., *Yapp-Shing, C., & Hanney, W. J. (2025). Train in Pain: A Review of Exercise Benefits and Application for Individuals With Musculoskeletal Pain. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 47(1):20-32.
**Hogge, R., **Madison, M., **Shurik, D., Hanney, W. J., & Anderson, A. W. (2025) High-Fatigue Dynamic Resistance Exercise Induces Significant Hypoalgesia Effect. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 39(2):165-172.
*Hanney, W. J., Anderson, A. W., Kolber, M. J., **Gibbs, V., & Hanney, W. J. IV. (2025). Exercise as Medicine: Tackling Chronic Pain and Depression to Boost Quality of Life—A Narrative Review. Sci, 7, 10. Published online January 15, 2025.
Wilson, A. T., Rothschild, C. E. (2024). Inter-rater reliability of pressure pain threshold between experienced and novice examiners: a case study of two educational approaches. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. Published online October 16, 2024, ahead of publication.
Hammad, U., Anderson, A. W., **Scammon, E., **Whiting, R., **Rodriguez, J. P., Lazaro, R. T., & Casano, M. B. (2024). Balance and Walking Speed Outcomes in Individuals Receiving Inpatient Rehabilitation for Acute Cerebellar Stroke. Nursing Reports. 14(4): 2935-2945.
**Proppe, C. E., **Rivera, P. M., **Gonzalez-Rojas, D. H., Fukuda, D. H., Wilson, A. T., Mansy, H. A., & Hill E. C. (2024). Muscle Swelling and Neuromuscular Responses Following Blood Flow Restricted Exercise in Untrained Women. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. Sep 4:1-11.
Hanney, W. J., **Perez, A., **Collado, G., **Palmer, A. C., Wilson, A. T., Richardson, R. M., & Kolber, M. J. (2024). The Immediate Effects of a Standardized Kettlebell Swing Protocol on Lumbar Paraspinal Muscle Function: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Published online August 14, 2024.
**Lyons, K. M., Stock, M. S., Hanney, W. J., and Anderson, A. W. (2024). The effect of resistance exercise on multimodal pain thresholds in local and systemic muscle sites. Physiologic Reports. Jun;12(12):e16123.
**Schwartz, A. L., **Koohestani, M., Sherman, D., Stock, M. S., and Norte, G. E. (2025) Knee Extensor and Flexor Force Control after ACL Injury and Reconstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 57(2):238-251.
**Beausejour, J. P., **Knowles, K. S., **Pagan, J. I., **Rodriguez, J. P., **Sheldon, D., Ruple, B. A., Plotkin, D., Smith, M. A., Godwin, J. S., Sexton, C. L., McIntosh, M. C., Kontos, N. J., Libardi, C. A., Young, K. C., Roberts, M. D., & Stock, M. S. (2024). The effects of resistance training to near volitional failure on motor unit recruitment during neuromuscular fatigue. PeerJ, 12:e18163.
Mongold, S. J., Georgiev, C., Naeije, G., Vander Ghinst, M., Stock, M. S., & Bourguignon, M. (2024). Age-related changes in ultrasound-assessed muscle composition and postural stability. Scientific Reports, 14, 18688.
**Beausejour, J. P., **Rusch, J., **Knowles, K. S., **Pagan, J. I., Chaput, M., Norte, G. E., DeFreitas, J. M., & Stock, M. S. (2024). A comparison of techniques to determine active motor threshold for transcranial magnetic stimulation research. Brain Research, 1842:149111.
Carroll, M. K., Harold, N. K., Highsmith, M. J., Ulric, A., Latlief, G. A., Courtade, A. M., Conroy, B. K., Phillips, S. L., Hou, S. I., Stock, M. S., Choi, H., & Boone, D. (2025). THE SMART ADAPTIVE SOCKET SYSTEM AND ITS IMPACT ON TRANSTIBIAL PROSTHESIS USERS: A MIXED METHODS RESEARCH STUDY Technology and Innovation.
Carroll, M. K., Hou, S. I., Highsmith, M. J., Stock, M. S., & Choi, H. (2025).THE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL AND ITS POTENTIAL IMPACT ON ORTHOTIC & PROSTHETIC CARE. Technology and Innovation.
Antonio, J., **Antonio, B., Arent, S. M., Candow, D. G., Escalante, G., Evans, C., Forbes, S., Fukuda, D. H., Gibbons, M., Harty, P., Jagim, A. R., Kalman, D. S., Kerksick, C. M., Kurtz, J. A., Lillis, J., Lowery, L., Mastrofini, G. F., Mills, S., Nelson, M., Pereira, F., Roberts, J., Sagner, M., Stout, J. R., Tartar, J., & Wells, A. J. (2025). Common Questions and Misconceptions About Energy Drinks: What Does the Scientific Evidence Really Show? Nutrients, 17(1), 67. 17(1), 67.
Antonio, J., Newmire, D. E., Stout, J. R., Antonio, B., Gibbons, M., Lowery, L. M., Harper, J., Willoughby, D., Evans, C., Anderson, D., Goldstein, E., Rojas, J., & Arent, S. M. (2024). Common questions and misconceptions about caffeine supplementation: what does the scientific evidence really show? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 21(1).
**Dufner, T., *Rodriguez, J. M., *Kitterman, M. J., *Dawlabani, J. C., **Moon, J. M., & Wells, A. J. (2024). Full-Body Harness versus Waist Belt: An Examination of Force Production and Pain during an Isoinertial Device Maximal Voluntary Isometric Contraction. Journal of Functional Morphology & Kinesiology, 9(3),165.
**Dufner, T. J., **Moon, J. M., & Wells, A. J. (2024). Cycle-based high-intensity sprint exercise elicits acute cognitive dysfunction in psychomotor and memory task performance. Frontiers in Cognition, 3:1419734.
**Moon, J. M., *Pinette, J., *Khwaja, A., *Fontenot, A., *Gibbs, V., **Dufner, T. J., & Wells, A. J. (2024). Extensive Familiarization Is Required Before Assessing Acute Changes in Multiple Object Tracking Performance Using Neurotracker. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 33(8), 700-712.
**Lafontant, K., **Sterner, D. A., Fukuda, D. H., & Stout, J. R. (2025). A Non-Invasive Window into Cellular Health: Phase Angle and Impedance Ratio Explained. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal, 29(1), 25-31.
Fukuda, D. H. & Matsumoto, D. A Three-Pillar Approach to Judo Practice for Lifespan Development: Leveraging Olympic Glory through Shared Ideals. The Arts and Sciences of Judo. 2024 Dec. 4(2): 93-110.
Banarjee, C., Choudhury, R., Park, J. H., Xie, R., Fukuda, D. H., Stout, J. R., & Thiamwong, L. (2024). Common Physical Performance Tests for Evaluating Health in Older Adults: Cross-Sectional Study. Interactive Journal of Medical Research, 13, e53304.
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