News: Student Spotlight
Health Sciences Graduate Continues Family Legacy in Healthcare
Growing up, Breon Clark always knew he wanted to go into the healthcare field. His mother and some of his aunts are nurses. Clark also played sports in high school...
UCF School of Social Work Awards Six Students a $10,000 Fellowship
The UCF School of Social Work MSW Traditional Track has awarded six new first-year graduate level students with a $10,000 fellowship to assist them with tuition, fees, and other expenses...
Graduate Kinesiology Student Gets Strength from Law Scholarship
Maxine Furtado is the first recipient of the Jeffrey D. Law Memorial Scholarship for students in the kinesiology M.S. program. Recently, she was able to meet the donors of the...
Health Sciences Students Earn Scholarship from UCF Honors Program for Outstanding Thesis
Three health sciences students, Elise Arnold, Safia Centner and Serina Rayan, recently earned distinction from the Honors Undergraduate Thesis Program for their research projects. Arnold’s project, “The Relationship Between Parent...
Julia Phillips, Second-Year, Athletic Training Student
What made you decide to apply for the UCF MAT Program? Phillips: I went to UCF for my undergraduate degree in health sciences, pre-clinical and graduated in 2018. UCF is...
Mollie Przybocki, Second Year Athletic Training Student
What made you decide to apply for the AT program here at UCF? Mollie: Going through college, I was still deciding on a career path. I wanted to go into...
UCF Addresses Critical Shortage of Speech-Language Pathologists in Public Schools
For more than 25 years, the Central Florida Speech-Language Consortium, a partnership between UCF and ten Central Florida school districts, has been working to improve access to speech-language pathology services for local children,...
MAT Student Gains Valuable Experience at World-Class Training Facility
Mollie Przybocki recently returned from a four-week clinical internship at Camp Woodward in Pennsylvania. Mollie Przybocki, second-year Master of Athletic Training program student, recently had the opportunity to hone her...
UCF and Orlando Health Residency Program Offers DPTs Advanced Neurologic Training
Olivia Berry is the latest physical therapist to complete a neurologic residency offered by a partnership between UCF and Orlando Health. The UCF & Orlando Health Neurologic Residency Program offers post-graduate training in...
Amid COVID-19, DPT Students Charge On! to Clinical Education
Students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program look forward to the completion of the rigorous academic portion of their studies done in the first year of the program and progressing into the advanced years of training which involve...