News: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Summer Program at UCF Communication Disorders Clinic Helps Kids Read
UCF summer reading program for kids, iREAD, completed its four-week course earlier this month. It was the second year that the UCF Communication Disorders Clinic offered this program. The evidence-based...
The Performing Arts at UCF Empowers Community Members Living with Aphasia
June is Aphasia Awareness Month, which recognizes the more than 2 million people living with the condition that impacts their ability to communicate. A partnership between the School of Performing...
Clinical Spotlight: Kelly David Shares Lived and Learned Expertise with CSD Graduate Students
The hands-on education that School of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) Clinical Instructor Kelly David ‘08 ‘13MA provides graduate students not only comes from her qualifications as a speech-language pathologist...
CSD Alumni Helps Vocalists Protect Their Voices
Adam Lloyd has always been interested in the power of a person’s voice. As a vocal performer, Lloyd understands how important it is to take care of his “instrument.” But...
Foundational Questions: A Researcher’s ASHF-Launched Quest for Answers
UCF’s Jacqueline Towson explores how teaching technology can be optimized to build graduate students’ interprofessional skills.
CHPS Students Organize and Participate in Orange County Minority Health Fest
In recognition of National Minority Health Month, and as part of the Interdisciplinary Projects in Health Professions course (IHS4950), CHPS undergraduate students and their faculty mentor, Suha Saleh, partnered with...
UCF’S Aphasia House in the Spotlight
UCF’s Aphasia House in the spotlight. Being diagnosed with aphasia is a life-changing event. The loss of your ability to communicate can affect every aspect of your life. Speech therapy...
Celebrating Founders’ Day Honorees in CHPS
Congratulations to the faculty and students in the College of Health Professions and Sciences who were recognized at this year’s UCF Founders’ Day award ceremony on April 6. Excellence in...
Student Researchers in CSD Shine at Scholars Symposium
Students from both the undergraduate program and graduate program in Communication Sciences and Disorders presented research posters at the Student Scholar Symposium as part of Research Week. One group received...
UCF School of Communication Sciences and Disorders Welcomes New Director, Ann Clock Eddins
The UCF College of Health Professions and Sciences welcomes Ann Clock Eddins as the director for the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders starting with the Fall 2022 term. Eddins...