Communication Sciences and Disorders
A Comprehensive Psychoacoustic Approach to Voice Quality Perception
Funding Type: Extramural Research
Funding Agency: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NICDD)
Centers for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) 2023-2024
Funding Type: Extramural Research
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Education
Health Sciences
Dose-Response Effect of Exercise on Depression and BDNF in Sedentary Young Adults
Funding Type: Foundation/Industry
Funding Agency: American College of Sports Medicine Foundation (ACSM)
Health Sciences
Mediators of Disparity of Quality of Life in Hispanic Breast Cancer Survivors
Funding Type: Foundation/Industry
Funding Agency: FL Breast Cancer Foundation
The Chronic Effects of Low-Load Blood Flow Restriction and Creatine Supplementation on Strength and Neuromuscular Function
Funding Type: Extramural Research
Funding Agency: National Strength and Conditioning Association
Health Sciences
Overdose Risk Management and Compensation in the Era of Naloxone
Funding Type: Extramural Research
Funding Agency: Sponsor: NYU, Prime: NIH
KinesiologySocial Work
Investigators from Novices, a Transdisciplinary Research Education Program to Increase Diversity (INTREPID) in Aging Research
Funding Type: Extramural Research
Funding Agency: National Institute on Aging, NIA
Social Work
Adapting the Advance Dementia Prognostic Tool for high-Medicaid Nursing Homes (ADePT-NH)
Funding Type: Extramural Research
Funding Agency: Florida Department of Health
KinesiologyPhysical Therapy
RF: The acute effects of blood flow restricted and standard of care resistance exercise on neural, muscle, and perceptual responses among individuals living with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis
Funding Type: Foundation/Industry
Funding Agency: Suji's BFR Technology
Communication Sciences and Disorders
RF: Facilitating Intentional Communication in Young Children with Complex Communication and Motor Needs: Integrating Communication and Motor Supports to Optimize Treatment Effects
Funding Type: Foundation/Industry
Funding Agency: American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation