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Asli Cennet Yalim, Ph.D., MSW

Assistant Professor
Social Work
Location: HS I Room: 216
Phone: 407-823-4660
Areas of Specialty:
  • Refugee mental health and psychosocial wellbeing
  • Syrian refugees
  • Forced migration in the Middle East
  • Use of mental health services among refugee and immigrant populations
  • Community-based participatory research
  • Culturally competent practice
  • Resilience and empowerment
  • Refugee Women

Susanny Beltran, Ph.D., MSW

Assistant Professor, Center Co-Director
Center for Behavioral Health Research and Training, Social Work
Location: HS I Room: 247
Phone: 407-823-4662
Areas of Specialty:
  • End-of-life care
  • Health literacy and health promotion
  • Health care disparities among racial/ethnic minority older adults
  • Qualitative research
  • Gerontology education

Josette vonBirgelen, MSW

Social Work
Location: Partnership 1 Room: 102
Phone: 407-823-3283
Areas of Specialty:
  • Field Education
  • Child trauma focusing on sexual abuse and family reunification
  • Supervisor role within Field education

Melissa Bermudez, MSW, LCSW, LICSW

Director of the Center for Professional and Community Education, Instructor
Social Work
Location: HS I Room: 224
Phone: 407-823-4655
Areas of Specialty:
  • Intimate Partner and Power-Based Violence / Trauma
  • Military personnel and Veterans
  • Culturally inclusive care and services

Bethany Backes, Ph.D., MSW, MPH

Associate Professor
Social Work
Areas of Specialty:
  • Violence Against Women
  • Multidisciplinary responses to victims
  • Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence
  • Stalking
  • Sexual Violence
  • Victim Help-Seeking
  • Program evaluation

Gail Kauwell, Ph.D., RDN, LDN, FAND

Department Chair, Professor
Health Sciences
Location: HS II Room: 210C
Phone: 407-823-0782
Areas of Specialty:
  • Folate and vitamin B12 requirements and metabolism
  • Nutrient-gene interactions/epigenetic alterations and disease risk

Keith Brazendale, Ph.D., MS

Assistant Professor
Health Sciences
Location: HS II Room: 210A
Areas of Specialty:
  • Childhood Obesity
  • Physical Activity
  • Sedentary Behavior
  • sleep

Martha Garcia-Stout, PharmD, JD

Health Sciences
Location: HS II Room: 214

Ethan Hill, Ph.D., CSCS, ACSM-EP

Assistant Professor
Exercise Physiology & Rehabilitation Science, Kinesiology
Location: Education Complex Room: 320L
Phone: 407-823-1161
Areas of Specialty:
  • Neuromuscular and endothelial function
  • Resistance training interventions
  • Muscle function and fatigue
  • Sex-specific responses to exercise
  • Eccentric contraction-based interventions

Alison Redd

Lecturer, Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Location: Education Complex Room: 320K
Areas of Specialty:
  • Long term adolescent athlete development
  • Youth training programs and nutrition

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