News: Physical Therapy

Activity Day for Children with Disabilities Is This Saturday, April 2

Written By: Karen Guin | March 29, 2016
Children with physical and developmental disabilities will have an opportunity to stretch, kick, and play games at Let’s Ignite! Activity Day this Saturday, April 2, on Memory Mall at UCF. Individuals aged 5...

SciTech Central Short: Adult Harness Café

Written By: WUCF TV | February 24, 2016
A unique café has opened on UCF campus that is equipped with a special harness system that allows victims of traumatic brain injury or stroke to be employed. The harness...

UCF Unveils First-of-its-Kind Cafe in Florida

Written By: Karen Guin | February 1, 2016
Ten years ago Diana Tafur was ejected from a New York City taxi in an accident involving a drunk driver and landed on her head. The impact left the then...

UCF Go Baby Go! Provides Modified Toy Cars for 16 More Children

Written By: Karen Guin | December 7, 2015
UCF’s Doctor of Physical Therapy Program hosted a second UCF Go Baby Go! workshop to retrofit motorized toy cars for young children with special needs. UCF physical therapy faculty members and students, administrators,...

Physical Therapy Program Among Nation’s First to Adopt Anatomage Technology

Written By: Karen Guin | October 26, 2015
Watching his mother go through physical therapy after a rotator cuff injury inspired Christopher Atkinson to make physical therapy his career. Already into health and fitness and holding a bachelor’s...

Students Learn Value of Interprofessional Collaboration in Health Care

Written By: Karen Guin | October 23, 2015
A growing trend in health care education is interprofessional collaboration. According to the National Institutes of Health, studies show that when dealing with complex health issues, patient outcomes significantly improve...

ONE Central Florida Short: Go Baby Go!

Written By: WUCF TV | October 1, 2015
Go Baby Go! A new way to give mobility to disabled children takes off in Orlando.

Tucker Named UCF Woman of Distinction

Written By: Karen Guin | September 23, 2015
The Center for Success of Women Faculty has selected physical therapy Lecturer Jennifer Tucker to receive an annual Women of Distinction award. Tucker if one of just three women faculty members at UCF...

DPT Acquires Anatomage Table

Written By: Karen Guin | September 17, 2015
The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program recently acquired an Anatomage Table for their Anatomy Lab. In addition to learning with cadavers, students now have access to realistic, life-sized, 3D body...

Babies! Start your engines! Winter Haven child gets the gift of mobility

Written By: Clifford Parody / The Ledger | August 10, 2015
A Winter Haven child received the gift of mobility earlier this summer when UCF physical therapy faculty members teamed up with community partners and GoBabyGo to soup up ride-on vehicles...

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