Training and Detraining Effects Associated with the Neurotracker Visual Attention Training Device

Training and Detraining Effects Associated with the Neurotracker Visual Attention Training Device

The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in performance on the Neurotracker Visual Attention Training Device during a period of continuous training in addition to measuring how quickly performance is recovered following a period of detraining (no training).

This study will consist of 32 visits for a total of approximately 10 hours over 5-10 weeks. The first visit will consist of informed consent and eligibility questionnaires. The second visit will consist of anthropometrics (height, weight, and body composition), followed by familiarization with the Neurotracker device. After this visit, you will have 15 training visits (Visits 3-15) using the Neurotracker Visual Attention Training Device, followed by a period of no visits that could be from 1 week to 4 weeks, and then have 15 more identical re-training visits (visits 16-32). Each training and re-training visit will take approximately 15-20 minutes and will consist of two Neurotracker core training assessments and completion of a visual analog scale to assess alertness. Visits 3-15 and 16-32 must be separated by a minimum of 24 hours and no more than 72 hours.

Inclusion Qualifications:

  • Male or Female between the ages of 18-40 years old
  • Healthy as determined by the Par-Q+ and a Medical History Questionnaire
  • Are meeting the American College of Sports Medicine standards by doing at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week
  • Report Habitual caffeine intake  less than 300 mg·day (Equivalent to 3 cups of coffee per day or 216oz cans of Redbull)
  • Minimal previous experience on the Neurotracker device (defined as little to no experience (<10 exposures to core assessments) with the Neurotracker). 
  • No visual impairments, or impairment that cannot be corrected with corrective lenses 
  • Are currently not taking any prescription medications or over the counter medications known to impact attention such as amphetamines (Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse, etc). 
  • Currently not pregnant and do not become pregnant during the study period. 

Exclusion Qualifications:

You may not participate in this research opportunity if any of the following applies to you:
  • Not currently participating in at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week. 
  • Currently taking any performance-enhancing drug (determined from health and activity questionnaire).
  • Currently taking a nutritional supplement known to improve reaction time that requires a wash-out period such as beta-alanine, phosphatidylserine, Ginkgo biloba extract, and tyrosine 
  • Report habitual caffeine consumption > 300 mg·day−1 
  • Regularly taking any type of prescription or over-the-counter medication which might affect your performance in the assessment sessions, or having any chronic illnesses, which require medical care. 
  • Current known pregnancy or intend to become pregnant during the study period 
  • Having previous experience continued training on the Neurotracker Device.
  • Impaired vision that cannot be corrected with corrective lenses.

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UCF IRB#: 04612
PI: Adam Wells
Please consider subscribing to get notified about future research participation opportunities
Recruitment End Date:
March 30, 2023
Education Complex
4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando, FL 32816
Time Commitment:
Number of visits: 32
Expected time per visit: 20 minutes
Point of Contact:
Jessica Moon
Faculty Advisors:
Adam J. Wells
Associated Units:
Athletic Training
Health Sciences
Physical Therapy
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