News: Physical Therapy

HuffPost What’s Working Honor Roll: An Ingenious Invention Is Getting Disabled People Back On Their Feet

Written By: Aaron Barksdale - HuffPost | July 30, 2015
Cole Galloway, a professor at the University of Delaware, has developed a harness that helps physically impaired patients move around a room on tracks affixed to the ceiling. The harness...

The Ingenious Way That Those with Traumatic Brain Injuries Are Getting Back on Their Feet

Written By: Chris Peak - Nation Swell | July 23, 2015
The news seemed like a death sentence: In 1998, Anne Dunlap, a pretty young woman in Delaware, suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car crash, severely impairing her daily functioning. Even...

GoBabyGo: A Mobility Initiative

Written By: University of Central Florida News | July 13, 2015
The UCF College of Health and Public Affairs brings a new idea to help children with mobility impairments socialize and interact.

UCF Provides Modified Kiddie Cars to Special Toddlers, Only the Beginning

Written By: Zenaida Gonzalez Kotala | June 1, 2015
Barnabas Dowdell was born with Down syndrome, and moving his lower body is a challenge. So his mom was astonished when the 13-month-old drove his new retrofitted motorized toy racecar...

Nearly 20 Students Present Research Posters This Week

Written By: Karen Guin | April 3, 2015
Nearly 20 students from the Department of Health Professions presented research posters during UCF’s 2015 Research Week, held March 30 to April 2 on the Orlando campus. Twelve students from the Physical Therapy Program presented posters at the...

Gov. Scott Appoints Pabian to State’s Physical Therapy Board

Written By: Karen Guin | April 3, 2015
Gov. Rick Scott has appointed UCF faculty member Patrick Pabian to the Florida Board of Physical Therapy for a three-year term. Pabian (right) is director of the Doctor of Physical Therapy...

Kids with Developmental Disabilities to Have Field Day All Their Own

Written By: Mark Schleub - UCF News and Information | March 23, 2015
Playing is a big part of being a kid. But for children with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and other physical and developmental disabilities, it can be tough to find...

Make the World a Better Place, Join Us

Written By: LabTV | November 24, 2014
Meet Cole Galloway, a medical researcher in the Pediatric Mobility Lab at the University of Delaware. Cole’s research involves designing technology which will help advance the mobility of kids with...

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