Health Sciences

Health Sciences Professor Receives Minority-Serving Institution Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research Award

Written By: Drexler B. James'13 | April 12, 2022

Dr. Lee with award

Eunkyung “Muriel” Lee, an assistant professor in the Department of Health Sciences, is a recipient of the 2022 American Association for Cancer Research AACR Minority and Minority-Serving Institution Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research Award.  

Lee received the award at the organization’s annual meeting, which brings together researchers, patients, survivors and clinicians to share the latest advancements in cancer science and medicine.  

She is being recognized for her research on radiotherapy and breast cancer survival among older women with breast cancer. Her other research interests include risk factors and biomarkers of radiotherapy-related adverse responses among breast cancer patients. 

“Breast cancer survival has improved, but minorities, low-income and medically underserved women remain at elevated risks of dying from breast cancer,” says Lee. “It is essential to bring in more minority scholars in cancer research because they are more likely to better understand the factors that may affect disease prognosis and improve health in the minority populations.” 

Whether it is in the classroom educating about health disparities in cancer detection and treatment, or through her own research examining how cancer affects minorities, Lee is steadfast in her commitment to make a positive change in how these patients navigate healthcare.   

“Lee’s research has received favorable attention in the past, and her selection for this award is another example of recognition for her work,” says Gail Kauwell, department chair for the Department of Health Sciences. “I commend her dedication to scholarly pursuits and the extraordinary effort she commits to conducting this important research.” 

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