The Effects of Resveratrol Supplementation on Responses to an Isoinertial Squat Protocol
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of taking 500mg of VeriSperse® resveratrol (VRES) supplementation once per day, for 17 days on your cardiovascular function, muscle function, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and blood concentrations of muscular damage markers and markers of cellular stress following a stressful exercise protocol.
Inclusion Qualifications:
- Are a healthy male (as determined by the PAR Q+ and MHQ forms) between the ages of 18-40 years old,
- Are currently participating in at least 150 minutes of combined physical activity per week
- Are currently resistance training at least 3 times a week with at least one of those sessions being a lower body session
- Have been resistance training for at least 6 months
- Are currently not using any performance enhancing drugs
- Have not used nicotine or tobacco in any form (ex. cigarettes, cigars, vapes, ZYNs, etc.) for the last 3 months and are willing to refrain for use for the duration of the study
- Are currently not taking and have not taken any nutritional supplements within the last 28-days that the investigators perceive could confound the results of the study
- If you are currently taking any nutritional supplement(ex. Creatine or beta-alanine, you are willing to refrain from consumption of the supplement for a 28-day period prior to continuing enrollment in the study
- Are willing to refrain from the consumption of bananas and non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for the entirety of your enrollment in the study
- Currently consume < 300mg of caffeine daily (≤ three 8oz cups of coffee or two 16oz redbulls) per day on average.
- Are willing to keep your consumption of caffeine consistent throughout the study duration
- You will be required to have access to the online MyFitnessPal application either via cellphone or computer and be willing to download and maintain the application for the duration of the study.
- Are willing to track your food and beverage consumption in its entirety for two separate 5-day dietary log periods and are willing to replicate your food and beverage consumption during these periods to the best of your ability
- Are free from previous or current lower-body injuries that may limit your ability to complete the study’s assessments based on your responses on the MHQ
- Are willing to refrain from any lower-body resistance training for the 14-days before each experimental trial (visit 6 and visit 10) (28 days total)
- Are willing to undergo a blood collection procedure that will draw a small amount (8ml) of blood from your forearm vein (completed by a trained phlebotomist)
- Have no chronic illnesses (ex. diabetes, atherosclerosis, osteo-arthritis, etc.) requiring ongoing medical attention
- Have no food allergies that would restrict you from ingesting one of the two provided energy bars.
Exclusion Qualifications:
You may not participate in this research opportunity if any of the following applies to you:- Individual does not provide consent to participate in this study.
- Inability to perform physical exercise (determined by MHQ, and PAR Q+). That is Answering “Yes” to any question on the PAR-Q +, or having a pre-existing condition such as musculoskeletal injury, back pain, chronic pain etc. that the investigative team perceives will prevent a participant from safely completing the protocol.
- Not currently participating in at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.
- Not currently resistance trained (as defined within the inclusion criteria)
- Currently taking any performance-enhancing drug (determined from health and activity questionnaire)
- Currently taking a nutritional supplement known to improve physical performance and not willing refrain form the consumption of the supplement for at least 28-days prior to beginning study procedures.
- Regularly taking any type of prescription or over-the-counter medication deemed to affect performance, or having any chronic illnesses, which require medical care.
- Have used nicotine or tobacco at any time within the last three months.
- Report consuming bananas or NSAIDS at any time during your enrollment in the study.
- Report daily caffeine consumption >300 mg·day−1
- Report any lower extremity muscle soreness for visits ET1 and ET2
- Previous or current lower body injuries viewed by the investigators to potentially limit the ability of the participant to perform the assessments.
- Inability or unwillingness to consume the provided standardized snacks and meals in their entirety.
- Inability or unwillingness to adhere to the diet restrictions of the study.
- Have a food allergy to either of the two provided energy bars.
- Inability or unwillingness to report all food and beverage consumption during the two 5-day dietary log periods.
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UCF IRB#: STUDY00006703
PI: Trevor Dufner
IRB Expiration May 1, 2025
PI: Trevor Dufner
IRB Expiration May 1, 2025
Recruitment End Date:
March 1, 2025
March 1, 2025
Education Complex and Gym
12494 University Blvd.
Education Complex and Gym
12494 University Blvd.
Time Commitment:
Number of visits: 13
Expected time per visit: 1 hours
Number of visits: 13
Expected time per visit: 1 hours
Type: $90 Amazon Gift Card
Type: $90 Amazon Gift Card
Point of Contact:
Trevor Dufner
Trevor Dufner
Associated Units: