Recent UCF & Orlando Health neurologic residency graduates DPT Chloe Artrip and DPT Logan Brown presented on the physical therapy management of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). They presented with neurologic rehabilitation experts DPT Jeannie Stephenson of the University of South Florida and DPT Morris Beato of UCF School of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences on Sept. 21 at the Florida Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference and Assembly of Representatives in Orlando, Fla.
Artrip also presented a residency poster on Acute Physical Therapy in a Patient With Axonal Variant of Guillain-Barre Syndrome: A Case Study.
Brown presented two additional residency posters: Capturing Change: Administration of the Berg Balance Scale and ABC Scale with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and What’s the Effect? Outcomes of Ankle Foot Orthosis Clinical Practice Guideline Application in Acute Stroke.