Athletic Training

Athletic Training Program Prepares Students for Success, Present and Future

Written By: Drexler B. James '13 | July 16, 2020

Group of students around a person on a backboard
Athletic Training students participate in hands-on learning activities during their coursework at UCF.

Healthcare delivery is an ever growing and evolving practice. To best meet the needs of the active population, athletic training as a profession has made changes to how future athletic trainers are prepared to best meet the needs of patients. This includes requiring a master’s degree for all new ATs entering the profession.

The UCF Athletic Training program made this transition in alignment with the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education’s mandate that programs may not accept new bachelor’s degree cohorts after 2022. UCF is well ahead of that timeline. The first master’s degree cohort began the program in summer 2019, while the last bachelor’s degree cohort graduated in spring 2020.

Faculty and staff work closely with students to ensure their success both in the program and in their future endeavors. This is reflected in the recent success of the final bachelor’s cohort. This year’s graduating bachelor’s cohort had a first-attempt pass rate of 92% on the Board of Certification exam, whereas the national average first-attempt pass rate was 77% for last year (the most recent data available).

“We strive to produce career-ready graduates, and their performance on the BOC exam shows that we were very successful in that. We look forward to seeing the great things our graduates do in their field,” said Kristen Schellhase, director of the UCF Athletic Training graduate program.

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