Athletic Training

AT Student Earns ATAF Legacy Award

Written By: Karen Guin | August 29, 2016

Loudenve (Lulu) Marc with the Athletic Trainers’ Association of Florida (ATAF) Hall of Fame Legacy Award.

Loudenve (Lulu) Marc, a senior in the UCF Athletic Training Program, is the proud recipient of this year’s Athletic Trainers’ Association of Florida (ATAF) Hall of Fame Legacy Award. Lulu, as she is affectionately called by students and faculty, is on a mission to fulfill her dreams.

Marc’s first experience with athletic training came in high school when she hurt her ankle during basketball practice. The care she received from the athletic trainer on staff impressed her so much that she knew then what career she wanted for herself. She has been working toward that goal ever since.

Born in the United States to Haitian parents, Lulu was only 15 when the devastating earthquake hit Haiti in 2010. Many of her family members were left with shattered lives and missing limbs. After witnessing the damage the earthquake had on the health and well-being of the Haitian people, Lulu knew she had to help. After graduating from the athletic training program she plans on continuing her education to also become a certified prosthetist to help individuals with missing limbs regain mobility. Combining her athletic training education with a prosthetics degree will allow Marc the opportunity to work with and help a wide range of individuals.

To be eligible for the Legacy Award, which includes a $1,000 scholarship, a student must be attending or be accepted into a Florida college or university accredited athletic training program, must have a GPA of “B” or above, and cannot be on full scholarship. In addition, they must be a member of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) and must be sponsored by a licensed and certified ATAF member in good standing with ATAF, NATA, and the Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association. Their sponsor must address the nominee’s qualities and abilities in the areas of academic, athletic training, and social involvement.

When asked why she sponsored Marc for the award, Stephanie Lennon, head athletic trainer and HOPE teacher at Oak Ridge High School said, “She is hard-working and humble. She has a heart for the profession and I believe she will be successful.” Congratulations to Lulu. Her compassion and determination will take her far.

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