TMG and pressure algometry: Assessing the Effects of an Acute Bout of Kettlebell Swings on Muscle sensitivity and Pressure Pain Threshold

The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of a Tabata style high intensity kettlebell swing workout on muscle contractions and changes of the threshold from pressure to pain using methods such as Tensiomyography and handheld pressure algometry. Our research study consists of a single 2-hour visit where we will first collect height and weight measurements. We will then collect pre-intervention measurements of muscle contractions and pressure-pain threshold. After these measurements, you will be randomized into 1 of 3 groups: a control group, kettlebell swing group, or an isometric hold group. After completing the protocol assigned to the group you were randomized into, we will collect post-intervention measurements using the same methods as the pre-intervention.

Inclusion Qualifications:

  • Participant is a male or female between the ages of 18 and 35 years old
  • Participant is asymptomatic for low back pain

Exclusion Qualifications:

You may not participate in this research opportunity if any of the following applies to you:
  • Participant is unable to participate in physical activity, as determined by the PAR-Q+ 
  • Have any injuries or other chronic pain that would prevent them from performing a high intensity kettlebell swing protocol

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UCF IRB#: MOD00003663
PI: William Hanney
Please consider subscribing to get notified about future research participation opportunities
Recruitment End Date:
August 1, 2023
Education Complex
12494 University Blvd
Orlando, FL 32816
Time Commitment:
Number of visits: 1
Expected time per visit: 2 hours
Point of Contact:
Christopher Lee
Faculty Advisors:
William Hanney
Associated Units:
Physical Therapy
Short URL:

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