Physical activity monitoring for kneecap (patellofemoral) pain
We invite you to take part in a research study to better understand the relationship between daily pain and physical activity in individuals with kneecap (patellofemoral) pain and if view of pain and function influence activity level.
We expect that you will be in this research study for approximately 14-days. The first and last days of testing will require approximately 20-minutes of time to complete survey questions. The other 12 days will require approximately 5-minutes each day to complete diary entries. For the entire 14 days you will be required to wear an activity monitor with the exception of tasks that would submerge the device in water.
You will be asked to complete demographics (age, height, mass, duration of knee pain) and self-reported questionnaires about your knee pain, function, and activity participation. You will then be provided an activity monitor and diary. The activity monitor will be worn on the wrist, like a watch, for the duration of the study. You will also record your knee pain, use of medication for knee pain, sleep quality and mood in the diary. You will then return the activity monitor and diary at the end of the study.
Inclusion Qualifications:
- between 18-35 years old
- have had kneecap pain for more than 3-months
- would rate your pain more than 3 out of 10 in the previous month for two of the following tasks: jumping, kneeling, running, squatting, going up or down stairs, sitting for a long time, or contracting your thigh muscle
Exclusion Qualifications:
You may not participate in this research opportunity if any of the following applies to you:- had surgery to your low back or leg, ankle or foot
- suffered another injury (besides the kneecap pain) to the low back or leg, ankle or foot in the past 6-months
- had a previous injury to your meniscus
- had your kneecap dislocate (move out of place and stay out)
- have a history of any neurological disease
- had a concussion in the previous 6-months
- if you are pregnant
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IRB Expiration June 24, 2023
January 31, 2023
Education Complex
4000 Central Florida Blvd
Room 174
Orlando, FL 32816
Number of visits: 2
Expected time per visit: 30 minutes
Colby Mangum
Athletic Training
Exercise Physiology & Rehabilitation Science