Isometric muscle fatigue and EMG signal processing

This research is being done to compare how muscles respond during different types of maximal and below maximal muscular contractions with and without blood flow restriction. There are 2 total visits that must have at least 48 hours between them. The first visit will last about 60-90 minutes. The following visit will last about 90 minutes. The total time for the entire study is about 2.5-3 hours spread out over different 2 days. For this study, you will be asked to complete several sets of leg extensions which will range from maximal effort to low effort. During these exercises, electromyography electrodes and mechanomyography devices will be attached to your leg. Electromyography measures the electrical activity of the muscles beneath it and mechanomyography measures muscle movement. Additionally, a blood flow restriction device, which is very similar to a blood pressure cuff (Figure 2), will be attached to the top of one of your thighs for all of the exercises. This device will partially restrict blood flow to the leg but will not fully restrict blood flow. These devices will be attached to your leg during the study so please wear shorts for both visits.

Inclusion Qualifications:

  • Are between the ages of 18 to 35
  • Are willing to come in for all testing visits
  • Are not currently pregnant

Exclusion Qualifications:

You may not participate in this research opportunity if any of the following applies to you:
  • Known cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, muscular, and/or coronary heart disease
  • Regularly use prescription medication other than birth control
  • Currently seeking medical care for a chronic condition that could limit exercise capacity

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UCF IRB#: STUDY00003081
PI: Christopher Proppe
Please consider subscribing to get notified about future research participation opportunities
Recruitment End Date:
April 25, 2023
Education Complex
Education Complex and Gym, 4000
Room 174
Orlando, FL 32816
Time Commitment:
Number of visits: 2
Expected time per visit: 90 minutes
Point of Contact:
David Gonzalez Rojas
Faculty Advisors:
Ethan Hill
Associated Units:
Short URL:

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