Exercise Induced Hypoalgesia After 45-Degree Roman Chair Exercise
This is a study to examine pain sensitivity, before and after a back extension performed on a 45 degree roman chair. You will attend two testing sessions, each testing session will be approximately one hour. During session one you will be briefly exposed to heat and pressure to examine your pain sensitivity, complete a demographic questionnaire, and measure the strength of your low back before and after the exercise. You will also have heat and pressure pain sensitivity performed before and after a period of quiet rest and a back extension exercise on a 45 degree roman chair. During session two you will have the strength of your low back measured before and after the exercise, and heat and pressure sensitivity measured before and after a period of quiet rest and the back extension exercise.
Inclusion Qualifications:
- Pain free
- 18-60 years old,
- Be able to appropriately perform the intervention
- Not exceed safety thresholds for pain testing (assessed during screening)
Exclusion Qualifications:
You may not participate in this research opportunity if any of the following applies to you:- Non-English speaking
- Medical conditions that affect your ability to feel light touch, pressure, heat, and cold, such as uncontrolled diabetes
- History of low back surgery or fracture within the past 6 months
- History of a hip, knee, or ankle injury, surgery, or fracture within the past 6 months
- History of a chronic pain condition, such as fibromyalgia
- Any blood clotting disorders, such as hemophilia
- Taking blood thinning medications
- Known presence of cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disease
- Current use of tobacco products
- Not physically ready to exercise without a medical exam as indicated by the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire Plus (PAR-Q+)
- Currently pregnant
- Exceed heat and pressure pain thresholds
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April 18, 2024
Education Complex and Gym
12495 University Blvd
Orlando, FL 32816
Number of visits: 2
Expected time per visit: 1 hours
Kaitlyn Lyons
Physical Therapy