Describing Body Composition and Dietary Practices Among High Intensity Functional Training Athletes

There is a lack of information on what the typical body composition, dietary habits, performance-enhancing drug (PED) use, and dietary supplementation habits of high-intensity functional training (HIFT) athletes, such as CrossFit® athletes, looks like. The results of this study may inform those interested in participating in HIFT sports, as they will understand what the typical competitor looks like and does. The results of this study may also lead to future research aimed at comparing HIFT athletes to other populations.

Inclusion Qualifications:

  • We invite you to take part in a research study because you meet the following eligibility/inclusion and exclusion criteria. Specifically, you…
    • Are either a male or female adult who is 18 years old or older.
    • Have at least 6 months of training experience with High Intensity Functional Training (HIFT), CrossFit®, or CrossFit® -style workouts.
    • Are metabolically healthy, not including obesity, as determined by the Health History Questionnaire (HHQ).
    • Are not currently pregnant (self-reported) and do not intend to become pregnant during the duration of the study (self-reported).
    • Do not have any body modifications (e.g., breast augmentation, implants of any kind, etc.) and/or permanent jewelry.
    • Do not have surgical implantation to support bone structure (e.g., metal pins, screws, rods, etc.) or organ function (e.g., AED, pacemaker, etc.).
    • Do not have any missing limbs on the upper or lower body.
    • Are not currently taking any medications that may alter/affect body composition characteristics (e.g., antidiuretics).

Exclusion Qualifications:

You may not participate in this research opportunity if any of the following applies to you:
  • Current disease state (e.g., cancer, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, etc.)
  • Not currently participating in CrossFit®-style training and haven’t been training that way for 6 or more months.
  • Body modifications (breast augmentation, implants of any kind, etc.) and/or permanent jewelry
  • Missing limbs, upper or lower body
  • Surgical implantation to support bone structure (e.g., metal pins, screws, rods, etc.) or organ function (e.g., AED, pacemaker, etc.)
  • Any disease or medications that may alter/affect body composition characteristics
  • Pregnant women or women who intend to become pregnant during the duration of the study

Participate in this Research

Submitting this form will put you in contact with the main point of contact for this project. They will provide more information and determine if you meet all of the qualifications needed.

"*" indicates required fields

* Please note that completion of this form does not automatically enroll you or guarantee you a spot in this research opportunity. The information provided in this form will never be shared with 3rd parties. You can also unsubscribe from future notifications at any time.
UCF IRB#: STUDY00007054
PI: David H. Fukuda, PhD
Recruitment End Date:
May 5, 2025
Education Complex
12494 University Blvd
Room 175LAB
Orlando, FL 32816
Point of Contact:
Kworweinski Lafontant
Faculty Advisors:
David Fukuda
Associated Units:
Health Sciences
Exercise Physiology & Rehabilitation Science
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