Office of Planning and Knowledge Management
UCF College of Health Professions and Sciences
The College of Health Professions and Sciences (CHPS) envisions being the preeminent health sciences college where diverse students, faculty, scientists, and clinicians integrate learning, discovery, and technology to cultivate excellence in health. To this end, the mission of CHPS is to prepare students to promote, preserve, and enrich the health and wellness of diverse populations, through innovative and collaborative education, research, service, and practice. Accordingly, the CHPS Office of Planning and Knowledge Management (PKM) provides academic and operational services to the college leadership, faculty, and staff. This document provides summaries and examples for the following services:
Strategic Planning plays a vital role in safeguarding the CHPS academic enterprise. To assure confidence among internal and external stakeholders alike, PKM engages in a wide range of academic quality assurance activities that enforce compliance with regulatory requirements and support the continuous quality enhancement of academic programming. We collaborate with partners in all units to provide college-wide education, to integrate quality assurance into business processes and planning activities, and to develop models of excellence. We are a key resource to our faculty members, staff members, and administrators in support of our common goal of realizing UCF’s promise.
- See Knowledge Management Systems (linked systemic service)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Regional Accreditation
- Specialized Program Accreditation
- Academic Program Review
- Faculty Quality Management
PKM systematically manages CHPS-related knowledge assets for creating value and meeting tactical and strategic requirements (e.g., UCF goals, CHPS goals, accreditation, Florida Board of Governors’ Metrics). Our efforts consist of initiatives, processes, strategies, and systems that sustain and enhance the storage, assessment, sharing, refinement, and creation of knowledge.
- See Data Science and Decision Science (linked systemic services)
- Enrollment
- Student Credit Hours
- Diversity Index
- Assessment Results
- Accreditation Findings, Recommendations, and Solutions
Through data science, PKM captures data, maintains it, processes it, analyzes it, extracts value from it, visualizes it, and communicates it to college stakeholders who are making data-driven decisions.
- See Knowledge Management Systems and Decision Science (linked systemic services)
- Data compilation
- Data warehousing (see section: Knowledge Management Systems)
- Advanced Statistics (e.g., Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling, Predictive Analytics)
- Data visualization
- Written and verbal reports
- Scholarship
Through decision science PKM frames data analysis in terms of the decision-making process. We are looking at the various ways of analyzing data as it relates to a specific academic and operation questions posed by our stakeholders. In our data science services, we focus on finding insights and relationships via statistics. Through decision science, we are looking to find insights as they relate to the decision at-hand.
- See Knowledge Management Systems and Data Science (linked systemic services)
- Strategic planning
- Policy consultation
- Student age groups to focus on for recruitment
- Graduate categories to focus on for alumni relations and development
- Most optimal way to spend a yearly budget related to information technology
PKM works in collaboration with UCF IT in supports of CHPS students, faculty, and staff in achieving their teaching, learning, research and service objectives by: (a) providing innovative technology solutions and services, (b) providing responsive and reliable IT infrastructure and support, and (c) continually assessing and improving our service offerings.
- Support
- Procurement
- Inventory
- Surplus
- Security
PKM works in collaboration with UCF Information Security to promote information Security best practices related to creating, storing, sharing, accessing, and protecting sensitive and highly sensitive data.
- See Knowledge Management Systems (linked systemic service)
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Compliance (PKM Director is CHPS HIPAA Compliance Officer)
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Compliance (PKM Director is CHPS FERPA Compliance Officer)
- State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) Compliance (PKM Director is CHPS FERPA Compliance Officer)
- Annual and periodic information security awareness workshops and events
- Periodic information security audits
PKM supports academic and administrative units’ efforts to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their operations and the quality of student learning outcomes through assessment. Assessment Support services include institutional effectiveness and survey science.
- See Knowledge Management, Data Science, and Decision Science (linked systemic services)
- Institutional Effectiveness (SACS Requirement; PKM Director chairs CHPS Divisional Review Committee and serves on the University Assessment Committee)
- Survey Science
- Qualtrics Training Workshops
- Creating and testing survey-related instruments
- Assisting faculty and doctoral students in scholarship related to survey science
- Create, administer, analyze, visualize, and communicate findings from college-related surveys
PKM provides facilitates CHPS space requests and allocation processes, maintains an accurate space inventory for internal and external reporting purposes, and provides analyses and information that support the instructional, research, and administrative space needs of CHPS and its respective academic and administrative units. PKM coordinates facility operations for HPA I (Building 80) and HPA II (Building 90). The PKM Director serves as the building manager for HPA I and HPA II. PKM is responsible for scheduling classroom and conference rooms. PKM works closely with university-level offices in support of its space-related services, including:
- See Knowledge Management (linked systemic service)
- Space, Planning, Analysis, and Administration
- Facilities and Operations
- Facilities, Planning, and Construction
- Registrar’s Office
- Environmental Health and Safety (PKM Director chairs HPA I/II Safety Council)
- Police Department
- Emergency Operations Center (PKM responsible for HPA access control panels [i.e., swipe cards])
- Sustainability Office
- Others as needed
- Scheduling
- Maintenance
- Construction Projects and Lab Upgrades
- Fire Safety
- Building Access, Security, and Safety
Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results, and assess and adjust the organization’s direction in response to a changing environment. PKM provides strategic planning services through numerous methods.
- See Knowledge Management, Program Quality, and Assessment Support (linked systematic services)
- Analysis of Current Internal and External Environment
- Formulation (e.g., document organizational levels)
- Execution (e.g., operational planning, action items)
- Assessment and Sustainment (e.g., assess, refine, data reporting)
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs; e.g., identification, linking to operations and program quality, assessment)
- Policy Consultation