Master of Social Work Fellowship

UCF School of Social Work


The UCF School of Social Work is committed to excellence in education and is pleased to offer fellowship opportunities for incoming, first-time MSW students admitted into the School’s MSW Campus-based Program. This one-year fellowship is open to students who have demonstrated meritorious achievement. While in the fellowship program, students receive funding towards their academic success and complete a research poster by working closely with faculty mentors on a social work topic.

What's a Fellowship?

A graduate school fellowship provides financial support to students as they pursue their first year toward a graduate degree. This fellowship will assist students with tuition, textbooks, fees and other academic expenses.

Who Can Apply?

Students who have been admitted into the campus-based MSW program at UCF can apply for the MSW Fellowship.

*This fellowship is not available to students in the Advanced Standing track.

What's the Deadline?

Students must submit a completed application by April 1st at 5:00 P.M. (must already be accepted into the campus-based track to be considered.)

How To Apply

This is a competitive fellowship and students who demonstrate grit and determination to succeed in the MSW campus-based track are invited to apply if they have a GPA of 3.5 or better (last 60 credits) in a baccalaureate program from an accredited institution of higher education.

Apply in Three Easy Steps!

  1. Complete the Fellowship Application
  2. Send an updated resume
  3. 500-word essay addressing a given prompt (No more than two (2) pages, (12-point, and Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and 1” margins)

All Fellowship Recipients are required to:

  • Attend four (two in Fall and two in Spring) Fellowship meetings with the Director of the School of Social Work and/or the MSW Program Director
  • Hold a leadership position (ex. Master of Social Work Student Association, Phi Alpha, or within any other UCF campus organization)
  • Complete an end of year poster (spring semester) regarding a healthcare topic in social work to be shared at the April faculty meeting

Award Stipulations

Students selected for the fellowship will receive the stipend over two semesters. Each fellowship award is disbursed by the UCF Financial Aid Office and funds are contingent upon grades of “B” or better in all courses. Students must maintain continuous good standing academically and professionally within the University, the School of Social Work, and field education settings.

Fellowship recipients are awarded up to


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