UCF Reading Programs

UCF Communication Disorders Clinic

Our intensive reading programs are based on the science of reading and a language-rich approach. We use clinically-based methods that provide a tailored and individualized approach for each student that’s designed to meet their specific and unique needs and make the most progress possible.

Services in the Communication Disorders Clinic are provided by trained graduate student clinicians who provide treatment under the guidance and direct supervision of licensed SLP literacy experts.

Scholarships are available through our program, and we accept the Family Empowerment Scholarship and the New Worlds Scholarship, both provided by Step Up for Students.


The intensive Reading Enrichment for Academic Development (iREAD) program was developed using evidence based on the science of reading combined with rich oral language-based approaches to assist children with reading disorders develop the underlying, foundational skills necessary for success in reading and writing. A daily, structured schedule, systematic instruction, and multisensory approaches are implemented on an intensive basis to target phonological and phonemic awareness, sight word and unfamiliar word reading, reading comprehension, spelling, and writing.

Intended outcomes for participants include an overall increase in phonological and phonemic awareness skills ( the foundation for success in reading and writing); an ability to read with increased accuracy and automaticity to improve overall reading comprehension; and an increase in overall spelling and written expression skills.

The intensive approach of the program allows for significant gains over a shorter period, thus directly impacting the academic abilities and success of each participant.  Pre- and post-program assessments and weekly progress monitoring are included in the price of the program.

Fall 2025

  • Date: TBD
  • Schedule: TBD
  • Eligibility: Children who are struggling readers and entering first through twelfth grade

Spring 2025

  • Date: January 13-April 17
  • Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Schedule Options: Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday
  • Cost: $2,275 (Deposit due by Dec 9th. Payment plans available.)
  • Eligibility: Children who are struggling readers and entering first through twelfth grade

Summer 2025

  • Date: June 2 – June 26
  • Time: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
  • Schedule: Monday through Thursday
  • Cost: $1000 (Deposit due upon registration)
  • Eligibility: Children who are struggling readers and are entering first through twelfth grade

Camp iREAD

The Camp iREAD program is an intensive, 2-week summer curriculum that targets emergent literacy skills in young children with autism who are in preschool through third grade.  This curriculum utilizes an evidence-based, multisensory approach that will encourage children with ASD to develop the print concepts, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, language comprehension, and communication skills that will ultimately work to facilitate the instruction of conventional literacy experiences.

2025 Dates

  • Date: July 14th – July 25th
  • Time: Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Schedule: 4 days a week, 3 hours a day, with 1 extra day (July 26) for post-program assessments
  • Cost: $480
  • Eligibility: Children with an official diagnosis of ASD who are entering preschool through second grade

Early iREAD

The Early iREAD program serves as a bridge between the Camp iREAD and iREAD programs for children with autism and other developmental disabilities. The multi-month program focuses on early conventional literacy skills such as phonemic awareness, reading, spelling, and writing skills, and works to prepare the participant for a more intensive approach in the Summer iREAD program. Participants will learn and engage through a multisensory, movement-based approach.

Spring 2025

  • Date: January 16 – April 18
  • Time: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
  • Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday
  • Cost: $1200 + $25 materials fee (Tuition is paid in installments throughout the semester. Thanks to the generous support of the Dough Flutie Jr. Grant, all selected applicants will receive partial support in funding to be applied toward the program.)


We no longer offer the iHEAR program in its previous format. However, we are excited to share that the iREAD program effectively addresses the same needs and follows the same approach that was used in the iHEAR program to support the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) community. As a result, the iHEAR and iREAD programs have been merged into one comprehensive program.

If you are applying for an iREAD program, please be sure to mention if your child is DHH. This will help us ensure that your child receives additional support from our specially trained faculty experts and student clinicians, tailored to their unique needs.

We look forward to supporting your child’s growth and development through the iREAD program!

Reading Adventures

This new program provides a novel approach to early literacy instruction for young children with autism by building language skills through life-sized interactive storybooks. Children will explore and build reading and comprehension skills using moveable pictures, videos, and environmental sounds.  The  Sessions will take place inside the Blended Learning Immersive Interactive Simulation Suite (BLISS) in the CHPS Rehabilitation and Innovation Center. Participants will expand their oral language (vocabulary), build relevant background knowledge, improve their story recall and retelling abilities, and build their inferencing skills. This program is made possible by Variety – The Children’s Charity of Florida through their funding for immersive literacy.


  • Dates: 2/24/25 – 4/10/25, with a mandatory pre-program assessment on 2/20/24, and a post-program assessment on 4/15/24
  • Schedule: Two 50-min sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:20
  • Cost: This program’s fee has been fully waived for participants accepted into the program
  • Eligibility: Homeschooled children (or those who can leave school) with autism who are not yet reading independently (ages 5-8), who have the ability to work with a partner for up to 60 minutes, can follow simple directions, ambulate and toilet independently, and are able to attend to an activity for up to 10 minutes.

My son had such a great experience at the UCF Communication Disorders Clinic summer reading program. The students and instructors went above and beyond to make it a fun program that my son wanted to attend. He made such drastic improvements in his reading during the summer program that it has affected his confidence and academic performance this school year. He is proud of his progress, and his teachers and support staff at his school have gone out of their way to communicate how well he is doing. I was so happy when he recently asked for money to buy something at the book fair, and was pleasantly surprised when he came home with a grade level book. In the past he would have purchased a much lower grade level book, or not even a book at all. He has been reading the book on his own each week and summarizing what is happening in the story, which he had not been able to do before. We look forward to him and many other children being able to participate in the program next summer.”

- Libby N.

Scholarships Accepted!

There are a number of scholarships available that your child may qualify for to help pay for our programs. Our program leaders can help you identify scholarship options.

I spoke with my daughter to describe for me her experience at the Intensive Reading Program this last summer, she relayed to me how wonderful the experience was for her, she loved the therapists, they made her feel welcome and special, she always had fun and felt engaged. She said, “I never felt I was in class, most like I was having fun with my friends but at the same time I was learning some new words, reading better, and the best part it never felt like I was in a classroom.” Overall, she said just having the opportunity to be in the program was wonderful, she was grateful of the accommodations made for her as she was one of the two students who did the program virtually and if that option was not offered, she would’ve not been able to participate.”
- Alexa D.

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