Undergraduate Internship

UCF Division of Kinesiology

An internship with the Division of Kinesiology is an exciting, hands-on work experience that allows students to apply classroom learning to real-world settings. Students work closely under the guidance and support of an approved preceptor who is an expert in the field of kinesiology or exercise science.

In conjunction with the internship experience, students are simultaneously enrolled in the course ‘APK4926 Undergraduate Internship in Kinesiology’ and are required to complete class assignments as a part of their interactive learning at sites.  Students who are completing an internship for course credit are required to both work as a student intern at an approved site and complete required coursework in APK4926 as a part of this learner-centered experience.

Students who wish to complete an internship for college credit with the Division of Kinesiology can apply in their junior or senior year.

Credit Hours/Contact Hours:

  • 3 credit internship (120 contact hours)
  • 6 credit internship (240 contact hours)

Internship Eligibility Requirements:

  • Minimum 2.5 overall GPA
  • Be a junior or senior in the Kinesiology B.S. program
  • Be confirmed as eligible
  • CPR/AED and first aid-certified.  This certification must be active through the entire semester of internship.

Host an Intern

The Division of Kinesiology is pleased to partner with local and national institutions, businesses, hospitals and sports teams that can facilitate student learning opportunities within the career fields of exercise physiology, strength and conditioning, rehabilitation, and kinesiology.  Click below to provide information about your site, experience and preceptor contact information

Strength and Conditioning Internship Criteria

Students in the Strength and Conditioning Track are required to complete their internship under a preceptor who is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).  Since the Division does not place students in experiences, students are encouraged to find a site and preceptor before beginning the application process to ensure a smooth approval process.  Students can also look for CSCS qualified professionals in the area.

Additionally, CASCE requires a minimum of two substantially different experiences with different preceptors that totals no less than 300 hours.  UCF Strength and Conditioning Track students should plan for one 3-credit internship (120hrs) under one preceptor and one 6-credit internship (240hrs) with a different preceptor in different semesters to meet this requirement.

Strength and Conditioning Required Learning Goals

During internship, students are required to be assessed by their preceptor on their proficiency in the following key learning areas:

  • warm up
  • flexibility training
  • exercise technique
  • spotting
  • Olympic-style lifting
  • progressions/regressions
  • test selection and administration
  • program design
  • speed, agility and plyometric training
  • anaerobic and aerobic program design
  • periodization

Internship Experience Criteria:

To ensure that an experience is educational and eligible to be considered as a legitimate internship by the Division of Kinesiology, all the following criteria must be met.

The experience must:

  1. Offer new educational learning experiences for the student. Students are not permitted to complete an internship at a current or past work, volunteer, or internship site.
  2. Be an extension of the classroom as a learning experience that provides for the application of knowledge gained in the classroom and is supported by objectives that are outlined in an official internship manual. The experience must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or be work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  3. Be aligned with either the exercise and sport physiology track or the strength and conditioning track and associated careers.
  4. Be supervised by a qualified preceptor who holds degree/s and certifications/licensures in kinesiology or exercise science from nationally accredited programs and organizations.
  5. Have defined beginning and end dates that follow the UCF academic calendar and an internship description with desired qualifications.
  6. Have defined learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework.
  7. Provide the student with routine, weekly feedback from the preceptor.
  8. Provide appropriate resources, equipment, and facilities that support student learning objectives and goals.
  9. Provide the student with experiences that are transferable to other employment settings.

Resources for students:

  • Handshake
    Search for available internships, part-time employment opportunities, schedule appointments for interview and resume coaching, and more.
  • UCF Pre-Health Pre-Law Advising
    Register to receive emails about opportunities as well as access excellent resources to help guide you on your path to a medically-related career.
  • Career Services
    A wealth of information about career options, resume and interview coaching, and more.
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