Rehabilitation, Athletic Assessment, & Dynamic Imaging (READY) Lab

UCF Athletic Training Program


The READY Lab aims to advance neuromuscular assessment, musculoskeletal imaging, and rehabilitation methods for the lumbopelvic-hip complex, while improving the understanding and delivery of patient care for active individuals with chronic musculoskeletal injury. The READY Lab analyzes spatial, mechanical, and electrical changes in muscle activity during static, dynamic, and sport-specific tasks using innovative applications of ultrasound imaging and surface electromyography. The use of biofeedback programming for ultrasound imaging, electromyography, and inertial measurement units to improve patient rehabilitation and recovery is integral to the mission of the READY Laboratory.

The READY Lab analyzes spatial, mechanical, and electrical changes in muscle activity during static, dynamic, and sport-specific tasks using innovative applications of ultrasound imaging and surface electromyography. Chronic musculoskeletal injuries examined by the READY Lab investigators include: low back pain, patellofemoral pain, and a variety of other injuries involving the lumbopelvic-hip complex.


Our laboratory is always recruiting for participants to partake in research studies. Participation in our studies not only helps contribute to science, but can also be a fun learning experience.

ReadyLab Ultrasound system showing scan

Available Equipment

GE Logiqbook e Ultrasound system (linear and curvilinear transducers)
Custom ultrasound belt for dynamic task collection
Delsys Trigno Avanti wireless EMG and IMU system (16 channels)
Digital inclinometers
Hand-held dynamometer
Rehabilitation/exercise equipment: assorted dumbbells, kettlebells, therabands, foam rollers, TRX® suspension strap system, treadmill
High-low treatment table
Open rehabilitation space

Meet Our Team


L. Colby Mangum's profile picture at UCF

L. Colby Mangum, Ph.D., MEd, LAT, ATC

Assistant Professor
Athletic Training, Exercise Physiology & Rehabilitation Science
Location: HS II

Selected Relevant Publications

Our laboratory makes a concerted effort to publish our findings in respected academic journals and present at regional, national, and international conferences. In addition to contributing to collective body of knowledge in a given field, presenting original data at conferences is a fun way for the lab’s students to enhance their self-confidence and network with other scientists.


The UCF REhabilitation, Athletic assessment, & DYnamic imaging (READY) Laboratory is housed in the Education Complex and Gym, (ED 174)  on UCF’s main campus.

You may contact us by email at or with the form below. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Rehabilitation, Athletic Assessment, & Dynamic Imaging Lab
Education Complex and Gym, ED 174
4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando, FL 32816

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