Rehabilitation, Athletic Assessment, & Dynamic Imaging (READY) Lab
UCF Athletic Training Program
The READY Lab aims to advance neuromuscular assessment, musculoskeletal imaging, and rehabilitation methods for the lumbopelvic-hip complex, while improving the understanding and delivery of patient care for active individuals with chronic musculoskeletal injury. The READY Lab analyzes spatial, mechanical, and electrical changes in muscle activity during static, dynamic, and sport-specific tasks using innovative applications of ultrasound imaging and surface electromyography. The use of biofeedback programming for ultrasound imaging, electromyography, and inertial measurement units to improve patient rehabilitation and recovery is integral to the mission of the READY Laboratory.
The READY Lab analyzes spatial, mechanical, and electrical changes in muscle activity during static, dynamic, and sport-specific tasks using innovative applications of ultrasound imaging and surface electromyography. Chronic musculoskeletal injuries examined by the READY Lab investigators include: low back pain, patellofemoral pain, and a variety of other injuries involving the lumbopelvic-hip complex.

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Meet Our Team
L. Colby Mangum, Ph.D., MEd, LAT, ATC
Selected Relevant Publications
Our laboratory makes a concerted effort to publish our findings in respected academic journals and present at regional, national, and international conferences. In addition to contributing to collective body of knowledge in a given field, presenting original data at conferences is a fun way for the lab’s students to enhance their self-confidence and network with other scientists.
- Carson R, Ingersoll CD, Mangum LC. Injury Frequencies in College Recreational Sports: 2013-2014 through 2018-2019. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. Advance online publication.
- Skibski A, Vanguri P, Stout JR, Ingersoll CD, Mangum LC. A Dynamic Warm-Up Improves Titleist Performance Institute Screen Scores in Adult Golfers. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. Published online January 17, 2025.
- Callahan E, Mangum LC. The Movement Competency Screen Shows Improved Injury Predictive Ability Compared With the Functional Movement Screen in Ballet and Contemporary Dance Populations: A Critically Appraised Topic. Published online December 10, 2024. doi:10.1123/jsr.2024-0194
- Skibski A, Onate J, Mangum LC. Suggestions and Considerations for Application of Movement Screens to Clinical Practice. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 19(3):351-354. doi:10.26603/001c.92906
- Skibski, A., Goetschius, J., & Mangum, L. C. (2024). Trunk Endurance and Low Back Pain Outcomes in College Golfers. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, 1(aop), 1–5.
- Bergquist, A. M., Lebron, M. A., Mangum, L. C., Stout, J. R., & Fukuda, D. H. (2023). Test-Retest Reliability of Single Leg Jump Performance Using the Drift Protocol in Division I Baseball Pitchers. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise.
- Doud, V., Allesee, T., Dikanda, M., Mangum, L. C., & Gual, C. J. (2023). Acute care interprofessional event improved knowledge, attitudes, and practices of athletic training and nurse practitioner students. Athletic Training Education Journal, 18(4), 174–183.
- Schellhase, K. C., McIntosh, A. A., Jennings-Collier, I. I. A., Dininny, M. D., Zraick, R. I., & Mangum, L. C. (2023). Readability of Postconcussion Home Care Instructions. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, 29(1), 45–49.
- Skibski A, Goetschius J, Mangum LC. Exploration of the Golf-Specific Low Back Pain Questionnaire. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. Published online May 15, 2023:10.1097/JSM.0000000000001160. doi:10.1097/JSM.0000000000001160
- Mangum LC, Skibski A, Devorski L, Slater L. Balance Error Scoring System Performance Differences in Figure Skaters Based on Discipline. IJSPT. 2023;18(4):898-904. doi:10.26603/001c.81598
- Cruz JP, Vriner M, Mangum LC, Slater L. Longitudinal Changes in Athletic Performance in Competitive Figure Skaters. J of SCI IN SPORT AND EXERCISE. Published online June 7, 2021. doi:10.1007/s42978-021-00124-2.
- Sutherlin MA, Mangum LC, Russell S, Saliba S, Hertel J, Hart JM. Landing Stiffness Between Individuals With and Without a History of Low Back Pain. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2020;29(1):28-36. doi:10.1123/jsr.2017-0081.
- Webb B, Kenning JH, Guzman A, Slater L, Mangum LC. Lumbopelvic-Hip Complex Contribution During Lower Extremity Screening Tests in Elite Figure Skaters. Journal of Athletic Training. Published online November 18, 2021.
- Schellhase KC, Tran E, Carmody S, Dawry P, Mangum LC. Retention of Athletic Trainers in the Secondary School Setting. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. 2022;1(aop):1-6. doi:10.1123/ijatt.2021-0104
- Webb B, Kenning JH, Guzman A, Slater L, Mangum LC. Lumbopelvic-hip complex contribution during lower extremity screening tests in elite figure skaters. Journal of Athletic Training. Published online November 18, 2021. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-373-21
- Beausejour, J. P., Knowles, K. S., Wilson, A. T., Mangum, L. C., Hill, E. C., Hanney, W. J., Wells, A. J., Fukuda, D. H., Stout, J., & Stock, M. S. (n.d.). Innovations in the Assessment of Skeletal Muscle Health: A Glimpse into the Future. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 0.
- Skibski, A., Stout, J. R., Ingersoll, C. D., & Mangum, L. C. (2024). Ultrasound Biofeedback Increases Abdominal Muscle Activation in Golfers With a History of Low Back Pain. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 10.1097/JSM.0000000000001208.
- Devorski L, Skibski A, Mangum LC. Rectus abdominis muscle thickness change and activation increase during planks performed on different surfaces. J Ultrasound. Published online December 1, 2022. doi:10.1007/s40477-022-00750-8
- DeJong AF, Mangum LC, Hertel J. Ultrasound Imaging of the Gluteal Muscles During the Y-Balance Test in Individuals With or Without Chronic Ankle Instability. Journal of Athletic Training. 2020;55(1):49-57. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-363-18.
- DeJong AF, Mangum LC, Hertel J. Gluteus medius activity during gait is altered in individuals with chronic ankle instability: An ultrasound imaging study. Gait & Posture. 2019;71:7-13. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2019.04.007.
- Sutherlin MA, Mangum LC, Hertel J, Saliba SA, Hart JM. Correlations Between Anthropometric Measures and Muscle Thickness Using Ultrasound Imaging. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. 2019;24(5):207-212. doi:10.1123/ijatt.2018-0095.
- DeJong AF, Mangum LC, Resch JE, Saliba SA. Detection of Gluteal Changes Using Ultrasound Imaging During Phases of Gait in Individuals With Medial Knee Displacement. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2019;28(5):494-504. doi:10.1123/jsr.2017-0336.
- Devorski L, Skibski A, Mangum LC. Muscle Function Obtained with Motion Mode Ultrasound and Surface Electromyography during Core Endurance Exercise. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments). 2022;(186):e64335. doi:10.3791/64335
- Skibski A, Devorski L, Mangum LC. Providing Visual Biofeedback Using Brightness Mode Ultrasound During a Golf Swing. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments). 2022;(186):e64333. doi:10.3791/64333
- Niebla C, Carson R, Mangum LC. Impact of Core Training on Functional Movement Screen Scores in Athletes: A Critically Appraised Topic. Published online December 13, 2024. doi:10.1123/jsr.*2024-0204
- Devorski, L., Suppiah, A., Fukuda, D. H., Stout, J., Ingersoll, C. D., & Mangum, L. C. (2024). Gamified delivery of at-home rehabilitation for individuals with nonspecific low back pain: A randomized controlled trial. Disability and Rehabilitation, 0(0), 1–7.
- Devorski L, Suppiah A, Fukuda DH, Stout J, Ingersoll CD, Mangum LC. Adherence and Compliance of Different Delivery Methods of Home Exercise in Individuals With Nonspecific Low Back Pain. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. 2024;1(aop):1-5. doi:10.1123/ijatt.2023-0140
- Kim S, Mangum LC, Glaviano NR. Influence of unilateral versus bilateral patellofemoral pain on physical activity, pain self-efficacy, and disability. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. Published online August 20, 2024:103167. doi:10.1016/j.msksp.2024.103167
- Skibski, A., Devorski, L., Orfield, N., & Mangum, L. C. (2023). Relationship between muscle activity and force during suspended bridge exercises. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 32(5), 624–629.
- Hanney WJ, Munyon MD, Mangum LC, Rovito MJ, Kolber MJ, Wilson AT. Perceived barriers to accessing physical therapy services in Florida among individuals with low back pain. Frontiers in Health Services. 2022;2.
- Glaviano NR, Mangum LC, Bazett-Jones DM, DiStefano LJ, Toland MD, Boling M. Strength Training Rehabilitation Incorporating Power Exercises (STRIPE) for individuals with patellofemoral pain: a randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 2023;9(1):e001482. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2022-001482
- Devorski L, Skibski A, Fukuda D, Stout JR, Ingersoll CD, Mangum LC. Optimizing normalization methods of the external oblique: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2023;Preprint(Preprint):1-6. doi:10.3233/BMR-220368
- Devorski L, Bazett-Jones D, Mangum LC, Glaviano NR. Muscle Activation in the Shoulder Girdle and Lumbopelvic-Hip Complex During Common Therapeutic Exercises. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2021;1(aop):1-7. doi:10.1123/jsr.2020-0485
- Glaviano NR, Marshall AN, Mangum LC, et al. Improvements in Lower-Extremity Function Following a Rehabilitation Program With Patterned Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation in Females With Patellofemoral Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2020;29(8):1075-1085. doi:10.1123/jsr.2019-0278.
- Glaviano NR, Marshall AN, Mangum LC, et al. Impairment-Based Rehabilitation With Patterned Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation and Lower Extremity Function in Individuals With Patellofemoral Pain: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Athletic Training. 2019;54(3):255-269. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-490-17.
- Krepkovich E, Kaur M, Mangum LC, et al. Feasibility of a Novel Video Game Based Electromyography Biofeedback System in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2022;1(aop):1-6. doi:10.1123/jsr.2021-0397
- Grindstaff, Terry L., Mangum, L. Colby, & Voight. Michael. (2022). Neuromuscular Consequences of Lumbopelvic Dysfunction: Research and Clinical Perspectives. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. Advance online publication.
The UCF REhabilitation, Athletic assessment, & DYnamic imaging (READY) Laboratory is housed in the Education Complex and Gym, (ED 174) on UCF’s main campus.
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Rehabilitation, Athletic Assessment, & Dynamic Imaging Lab
Education Complex and Gym, ED 174
4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando, FL 32816